Appeal to the European Institutions – The Mediterranean, the Middle East and the Western Balkans: towards a European foreign policy
2nd United Nations Parliamentary Assembly Model
General aspects
During the month of September, 2021 the Civil Association “Democracia Global”, along with partner the organizations - “UMA”, “Democracy Without Borders”, “UNPA Campaign” and two Regional Academic Partners - Goa University and Sharda University, carried out the second Model of the Parliamentary Assembly of the United Nations (UNPA) in India on the theme Gender Equality.
Let's Stop the Planet’s Fever Together - Appeal for COP 26
A World Plan for the Environment Health, Immigration and Work
An active role of the European Union
The division of humanity into sovereign nation states prevents global problems, including changes in the climate due to human activity, pandemics and immigration, to be effectively addressed.
The Conference on the Future of Europe is being launched
2021: engaging GAAMAC’s community to decode hate speech under a new leadership
The European Union as the Spearhead of a Global Accord on the Vaccine
Let's stop the Planet’s Fever together
Carbon Pricing for Carbon Neutrality
The European Citizens Initiative for Carbon Pricing to push the EU Commission for an European climate policy.
Campaign on Global Justice Atrocities 2020
In December 2019, the Coalition for the ICC (CICC), a program of the World Federalist Movement, successfully facilitated once again the participation of hundreds of civil society representatives in the 18th Session of the Assembly of States Parties.
2020: A year to act against hate speech
"Political, civil, economic, cultural and social rights are severely under attack around the world", said Global Action Against Mass Atrocity Crimes (GAAMAC) Chair Mô Bleeker in her New Year message.
News about World Currency April 2020
Everything suggests that the next crisis will concern international liquidity. The "creation" of 1,500 billion dollars by the Fed, on the occasion of the coronavirus, responds to the need to lighten American banks from the excessive weight of Treasury Bonds. The issue had been anticipated by the Robert Triffin International in the Report “Managing Global Liquidity as a Global Public Good” (December 2019).
Appeal for a Federal Democratic Global governance
We need a true Green New Deal - Open Letter to the European Commission's President by economists, intellectuals and MEPs
Greta and Economists on Climate Change
At the end of September Greta Thunberg was received at the UN: the General Assembly was strongly shaken by her reproaches against the inability of States to face the inexorable global warming.
Updates about World Currency
Regional Systems and the Future of the United Nations
Chapter VIII of the UN Charter represents the legal basis for the involvement of regional organizations in maintaining international peace and security, a task which is (or should be) the main purpose of the UN Security Council.
CICC Update on Campaign on Global Justice Atrocities 2019
In 2019, the work of the Coalition for the ICC (CICC), a program of the World Federalist Movement, was far reaching in its efforts to advocate for a fair, effective an independent International Criminal Court.
Global Action Against Mass Atrocity Crimes: addressing hate speech
The green new deal narrative fueled by the New Deal 4 Europe campaign
The European Environment Agency – lastly published assessment report
Copla Updates: UNGA, Colombia and IAP in Buenos Aires
Letter to UN Ambassadors of SA9 Campaign
The S9 Campaign - Campaign to Second A-9 in the UNGA
Civil society groups launch global campaign for a World Citizens’ Initiative
UN Parliamentary Assembly Model Tested in Buenos Aires
Stop global warming - European citizens' initiative
The Anti-mafia Seminar: a Success and a Starting Point
With singular success and repercussion the first Italo-Argentinian Anti-mafia seminar took place in Buenos Aires, which gathered in the city the highest authorities of the National Antimafia Directorate of Italy (DNA), with the purpose of sharing experiences and learning in the fight against organized crime.
UN2020 – Building an agenda for a renewed United Nations
Global Call to Action.
The women peace and security agenda through a feminist lens
As we celebrated International Women’s Day on March 8 to mark the many strides towards gender equality and advancement for women’s rights, we must continue our fight towards ending sexual and gender-based violence during conflict.
Global Strike for Climate. There is no Planet B
It all began the last 30th August 2018, when Greta Thunberg went on strike in front of the Sweden Parliament, but we cannot say that it’s over with the international march of Friday 15 March, 2019.
Economists' Statement on Carbon Dividends
Global climate change is a serious problem calling for immediate national action. Guided by sound economic principles, we are united in the following policy recommendations.
Carbon Tax Petition
Demand a price on CO2 emissions! Save the planet. Carbon price now.
The EU calls for the setting-up of a permanent multilateral investment court
Internationalisation of the renminbi
Albeit still in its infancy, there are clear signs of the internationalisation of the renminbi, confirmed by its inclusion in the SDR basket: the creation of institutions similar to the IMF and the WB, the network of agreements for mutual payments in national currencies and no longer in dollars among the BRICS countries,
The Clean Energy Package - Updates
Global Action Against Mass Atrocity Crimes: a democratic, inclusive approach to atrocity prevention
The creation of the Latin American Criminal Court receives broad regional support
Eurolat Endorses Copla Initiative
On July 16/17, 2018, the Co-Presidents of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat), the President of the Latin American Parliament Elias Castillo and the Member of the European Parliament Ramón Jáuregui Atondo, in accordance with Article 17 of the Rules of Procedure of the Assembly have stated:
European Lawmakers Call for a UN Parliamentary Assembly and a 2020 UN Reform Summit
In a resolution adopted on 5 July 2018, the European Parliament called on the EU's governments to advocate "the establishment of a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly" (UNPA) and to support a "UN 2020 summit" that will consider "comprehensive reform measures for a renewal and strengthening of the United Nations."
New Tendencies in the Global Financial System
A profound difference characterises this new phase of world finance: for the first time, financial flows tend to concentrate in new areas, especially in Asia, and for the most part they no longer flow into historic financial centres like London.