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International Institutions

  1. African Union    https://au.int/
  2. Andean Community of Nations    http://www.comunidadandina.org
  3. Arab League    http://www.leagueofarabstates.net/
  4. Arab Maghreb Union    http://www.maghrebarabe.org
  5. Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN)    https://asean.org/
  6. Caribbean Community    http://www.caricom.org
  7. Commonwealth of Independent States    http://cis.minsk.by
  8. Council of Europe    http://www.coe.int
  9. East African Community (EAC)    http://www.eac.int
  10. Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (CEMAC)    https://cemac.int/
  11. Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS)    https://ceeac-eccas.org/
  12. Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)    http://www.ecowas.int
  13. Eurasian Economic Community (EURASEC) http://www.evrazes.com/
  14. International Labour Organizanition    http://www.ilo.org
  15. International Monetary Fund    http://www.imf.org
  16. Mercosur    http://www.mercosur.int
  17. North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)    http://www.nafta-sec-alena.org
  18. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)    http://www.nato.int
  19. Organisation of the Islamic Conference    http://www.oic-oci.org
  20. Organization for Democracy and Economic Development (GUAM)    https://guam-organization.org/
  21. Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)    http://www.osce.org
  22. Pacific Island Forum (PIF)    http://www.forumsec.org
  23. South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)    http://www.saarc-sec.org
  24. Southern African Development Community (SADC)    http://www.sadc.int
  25. United Nations    http://www.un.org
  26. West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA)    http://www.uemoa.int
  27. Western European Union (abolished on 30 June 2011)
  28. World Bank    http://www.worldbank.org
  29. World Trade Organization    http://www.wto.org

Campaigns for International Democracy

  1. Campaign for a UN World Citizens' Initiative https://www.worldcitizensinitiative.org/
  2. Campaign for the Establishment of a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly    http://www.unpacampaign.org
  3. Coalition for the International Criminal Court    http://www.iccnow.org/
  4. Vote World Parliament http://voteworldparliament.org/
  5. World Parliament Now https://www.worldparliamentnow.org/
  6. Copla https://en.coalicioncopla.org/

Parliamentary Assemblies

  1. ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly    http://www.europarl.europa.eu/intcoop/acp/default.htm
  2. Andean Parliament http://www.parlamentoandino.org/
  3. Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union (AIPU)    https://arabipu.org/
  4. ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Organization (AIPO)    http://www.aipasecretariat.org/
  5. Asia Pacific Parliamentary Forum    http://www.appf.org.pe/
  6. The Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA) https://asianparliament.org/
  7. Assembly of Caribbean Community Parliamentarians (ACCP) http://www.caricom.org/
  8. Association of Senates, Shoora and Equivalent Councils in Africa and the Arab World    http://www.assecaa.org/
  9. Baltic Assembly    http://www.baltasam.org
  10. Baltic Sea Parliamentary Conference    http://www.bspc.net
  11. Benelux Parliament    https://www.beneluxparl.eu/
  12. Central American Parliament (Parlacen)    https://parlacen.int/
  13. Commonwealth Parliamentary Association    http://www.cpahq.org/
  14. Conference of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region    http://www.arcticparl.org/
  15. Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly http://assembly.coe.int/
  16. East African Legislative Assembly (EALA)    https://www.eala.org/
  17. Economic Community of West African States ECOWAS Parliament    http://www.parl.ecowas.int/
  18. European Parliament    http://www.europarl.europa.eu/
  19. European Parliamentarians for Africa (AWEPA) http://www.awepa.org/
  20. Indigenous Parliament Of America    http://www.parlamentoindigena.org (not active 29/07/2010)
  21. Inter-parliamentary Assembly of the Eurasian Economic Community    
  22. Interparliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy    http://www.eiao.org/
  23. Inter-Parliamentary Forum of the Americas    
  24. Inter-parliamentary Union    http://www.ipu.org
  25. Latin American Parliament (Parlatino)    http://www.parlatino.org/
  26. Nato Parliamentary Assembly    http://www.nato-pa.int/
  27. Nordic Council    http://www.norden.org
  28. Osce Parliamentary Assembly    http://oscepa.org/
  29. Pan-African Parliament    http://www.pan-africanparliament.org/
  30. Parliamentary Assembly of Francophonie    http://www.apf.francophonie.org/
  31. Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation  (PABSEC)    http://www.pabsec.org/
  32. Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE)    http://assembly.coe.int/
  33. Parliamentary Association for Euro-Arab Cooperation (PAEAC)    
  34. Parliamentary Confederation of the Americas    http://www.copa.qc.ca/
  35. Parliamentary Dimension of the Central European Initiative    https://www.cei.int/parliamentary-dimension
  36. Southern African Development Community (SADC) Parliamentary Forum    http://www.sadcpf.org/
  37. The Parliamentary Network on the World Bank and International Monetary Fund  https://www.parlnet.org/

Movements and Networks for International Democracy

  1. World Federalist Movement    http://www.wfm.org
  2. Democracia Global - Movimiento por la Union Sudamericana y el Parlamento Mondial https://en.globaldemocracy.online/
  3. Union of European Federalists    https://www.federalists.eu/

International Watches

  1. Corporate Watch    http://www.corporatewatch.org/
  2. Human Rights Watch    http://www.hrw.org
  3. Social Watch    http://www.socialwatch.org/
  4. State Watch    http://www.statewatch.org/
  5. Worldwatch Institute    http://www.worldwatch.org/

International Indexes

  1. Basic Capability Index    http://www.socialwatch.org/en/avancesyRetrocesos/ICB_2008/tablas/SWBCI.htm
  2. Gender-related Development Index (GDI)    http://hdr.undp.org/en/statistics/indices/gdi_gem/
  3. Global Peace Index    http://www.visionofhumanity.org/gpi/home.php
  4. Human Development Index    http://hdr.undp.org/en/statistics/indices/hdi/
  5. Human Poverty Index    http://hdr.undp.org/en/statistics/indices/hpi/


Other sources


  1. Criminal Justice Degree    http://www.criminaljusticedegree.net/
  2. Criminal Justice Paths      http://criminaljusticepaths.com/
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