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Letter to UN Ambassadors of SA9 Campaign

Hidaka October 28, 2019

Dear friends,
"The international relinquishing of sovereignty would have to spring from the people—it would have to be so strong that the elected delegates would be turned out of office if they failed to do it.” (John F. Kennedy as a young journalist attending the San Francisco U.N. Conference in June 1945)
I would like to share with you our SA9 Campaign's recent letter to all UN Ambassadors in New York (below, sent on October 17).
We would like to suggest that you put pressure on your government to implement the peace provisions in international and constitutional law that so far exist on paper only. By organizing demonstrations to put an end to the war system you can help bring about an international peace based on justice and order. 

We hope these are ideas that can be disseminated on a grassroots level. Pacifists who are familiar with the UN Charter may want to study the relationship between Articles 106 and 109, and how they mutually enforce each other. 

Warmly, with peace greetings, on behalf of the SA9 Campaign,

K.S. (liaison)

“The SA9 Campaign”

c/o Mikihiko Ohmori (chairman) - 61-6, Takahagi, Hidaka-shi, Saitama-ken, 350-1231 JAPAN


Hidaka, October 17, 2019


Ethiopia’s leader, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has just received high recognition for bringing peace to the Horn of Africa. It required a person with special dexterity to overcome the obstacles, but world peace cannot depend on one individual’s special talents and personality alone. 

As long as the process towards a genuine UN System of Collective Security is not completed, peace remains volatile; justice and order remain elusive. Had an effective system of collective security been in place, an international court with universally binding jurisdiction could have settled the border dispute between Ethiopia and Eritrea, and if necessary, an international police force would subsequently have enforced the court’s ruling. 

The establishment of a durable and permanent world peace by completing the transition to a genuine collective security and disarmament system as presupposed in the United Nations Charter (Art. 106) is highly overdue. Our SA9 Campaign is based on the realization that peace constitutions are the only effective instrument to initiate this transition.*

The German Constitution's Article 24 is an especially suitable template for this reform, since it enables the national legislator to initiate this process.

(1) The Federation may by a law transfer sovereign powers to international organizations. ...
(2) With a view to maintaining peace, the Federation may enter into a system of mutual collective security; in doing so it shall consent to such limitations upon its sovereign powers as will bring about and secure a lasting peace in Europe and among the nations of the world.
(3) For the settlement of disputes between states, the Federation shall accede to agreements providing for general, comprehensive, and compulsory international arbitration.

Japan is practically the only country so far that has already consented to limitations upon its sovereign powers to bring about and secure an "international peace based on justice and order" as stated in Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution. That is why we think that Article 9 should be introduced in the United Nations General Assembly to stimulate UN Member States to take legislative action to empower the United Nations and pool security sovereignty. (Please see the attached UN document, submitted in 1987 by a German NGO.) It is naturally in Germany’s best interest to implement its constitution’s stipulated provisions and cooperate with the UN and Japan in this respect.

While the UN General Assembly is still in session, it is possible for this topic to be included in the agenda of the Assembly's First Committee. We believe Article 9 is the key that can unlock the potential of the United Nations Charter and fulfill Germany’s and other peace-loving nations’ aspirations, prompting them to take legislative action to embark on the transition toward genuine Collective Security, disarmament, restoration and protection of the environment, and UN Charter Review, as stipulated in Art. 109.  

Yours sincerely

The SA9 Campaign

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