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“2014 was a bad year for human rights in Europe”, said Nils Muižnieks, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, while presenting his annual activity report on 23 April 2015.   In particular, ...
... what was previously known as BRIC.   [Source: Sputnik News 26 February 2015 http://sputniknews.com/politics/20150226/1018779609.html]   ...
23. Actions for CBSS Expert Group on Sustainable Development – Baltic 21
(Council of the Baltic Sea States /Other Documents)
CBSS Strategy on Sustainable Development 2010-2015 ...
24. UN Day - 24 October 2010
(primo piano/News)
... to achieve the eight goals by their 2015 target date.      Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon Message on UN Day, 24 October 2010 On United Nations Day, I express my great appreciation to the millions of ...
25. World Bank Campaign Europe
... current rate of progress, the international community will not achieve the Millennium Development Goals by 2015. Significant responsibility for this must rest with the World Bank, the world’s largest development ...
26. Mercosur Parliament
... first stage. The Protocol considers two stages of transition from the current system for the election of representatives, to the ultimate method, which should be applied as of January 1st 2015. In the ...
... economic union by 2015. This process is expected to go from the harmonisation of national and elaboration of common economic legislations (1999-2004), to the establishment of free movement of goods, services, ...
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