World Bank Campaign Europe
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Name: | World Bank Campaign Europe |
International Organization: | Wolrd Bank |
Active: | Yes |
From: To: | 2007 - |
Promoters: | Non governmental organisations |
Supporters: | |
Aim: | |
Official web site (not active): | |
Focus: |
Who supports the campaign
On Monday 5 March 2007 over 65 non-governmental organisations from across Europe launched a new campaign to challenge the World Bank. The campaign launch coincides with the start of negotiations for further funding from rich country governments for the Bank.
The campaign's objectives
The NGOs backing the campaign are calling for European governments to press the Bank to accept specific reforms or to channel their funding elsewhere. The reforms are in the areas of economic policy reform and fossil fuel lending. They urge European governments to use these contributions to leverage reform at the World Bank during the current funding "replenishment" round, to ensure that the Bank becomes an agency that acts in the interest of the world's poorest people. If it fails to stop using policy economic conditions and continues to push fossil fuels, these European governments should consider permanently redirecting funding away from the Bank through other mechanisms which respect country ownership and take the necessary leadership in adressing climate change.
Put your money where your mouth is. A challenge to European governments to leverage reform at the World Bank
The role of the World Bank
At the current rate of progress, the international community will not achieve the Millennium Development Goals by 2015. Significant responsibility for this must rest with the World Bank, the world’s largest development institution. The Bank has presided over the application of a misguided development model that has undermined countries’ ability to chart their own development paths, and has often contributed to worsening poverty and to environmental degradation in many of the world's poorest countries.
Damaging economic policy conditions
The Bank is still imposing economic policy prescriptions on developing countries as a condition of their development lending. These conditions give developing countries little possibility to choose the economic and other policies they think best to reduce poverty, and they have often worsened the situation. The Bank should immediately stop tying their aid, loans and debt cancellation to particular economic policies, such as privatisation, liberalisation and restricting public spending on health and education, and should allow countries to make their own policy choices.
Funding fossil fuel development
The climate change emergency requires action before it’s too late. The poorest are being hit hardest and hit now. We recognise that Northern countries are the primary causes of climate change and that dramatic changes are needed in Europe. The World Bank remains one of the main public financiers of fossil fuel development which contributes massively to global warming and is destined largely for Northern consumption and multinational profits. The Bank should immediately start a complete phase out of financing for fossil fuel operations and oil aid, and instead should significantly scale-up support for renewable energy and energy efficiency.
European governments can make a difference
European governments are the world’s largest aid donors and we are campaigning for them to increase both the quantity and quality of their aid. European governments are the main donors to the World Bank Group and have a very prominent presence on the World Bank’s board. In 2007, the World Bank's funders, including European governments, are reviewing their financial contributions. We urge European governments to leverage reform at the World Bank during the current funding “replenishment” round, to ensure that the Bank becomes an agency that acts in the interests of the world’s poorest people. If the Bank fails to stop using economic policy conditions and continues to push fossil fuels, these European governments should consider redirecting funding away from the Bank through other mechanisms which respect country ownership and take the necessary leadership in addressing climate change.
A call to immediate action
European governments should act now. We call upon all European civil society organisations, trade unions, religious groups and business actors to raise their voice with us. The time has come to seriously question and change the role and policies of the World Bank. Change cannot wait.
1 | Attac Sweden | Sweden |
2 | Emmaus Björkå Association | Sweden |
3 | International Rivers Network | Germany |
4 | Alliance Sud | Switzerland |
5 | Forest Peoples Programme | United Kingdom |
6 | ActionAid International | International |
7 | Jubilee Debt Campaign | United Kingdom |
8 | A seed Europe | Netherlands |
9 | Service Center for Development Cooperation | Finland |
10 | Corporate Europe Observatory | Netherlands |
11 | CRBM/Manitese | Italy |
12 | CNCD | Belgium |
13 | Plan B | United Kingdom |
14 | People and Planet | United Kingdom |
15 | Afrika-Europa Netwerk | Netherlands |
16 | Ecologistas en Acción | Spain |
17 | Greenpeace International | Netherlands |
18 | The GATS Platform | Netherlands |
19 | Friends of the Earth - CEPA | Slovakia |
20 | Friends of the Earth - France | France |
21 | Diakonia | Sweden |
22 | CADTM | Belgium |
23 | Friends of the Earth - Hungary | Hungary |
24 | Christian Council of Sweden | Sweden |
25 | War on Want | United Kingdom |
26 | Friends of the Earth - Malta | Malta |
27 | Bretton Woods Project | United Kingdom |
28 | FIVAS | Norway |
29 | Umanotera / Slovenian Foundation for Sustainable Development | Slovenia |
30 | Secretariat del Fòrum UBUNTU | Spain |
31 | CCFD | France |
32 | Changemaker | Norway |
33 | SLUG | Norway |
34 | Norwegian Church Aid | Norway |
35 | Friends of the Earth - Finland | Finland |
36 | Amici della Terra/Friends of the Earth - Italy | Italy |
37 | Forum Syd | Sweden |
38 | Arci | Italy |
39 | Legambiente | Italy |
40 | FAIR | Italy |
41 | Campagna Sdebitarsi | Italy |
42 | CNCA | Italy |
43 | WWF Italy | Italy |
44 | FOCSIV | Italy |
45 | Lunaria | Italy |
46 | VIS | Italy |
47 | Centro Nuovo Modello di Sviluppo | Italy |
48 | Intersos | Italy |
49 | Armadilla onlus | Italy |
50 | CINI – Coordinamento Italiano Network Internazionali | Italy |
51 | Coop. Soc. Commercio Equo e Solidale | Italy |
52 | Associazione Italia Nicaragua | Italy |
53 | IDSE | Italy |
54 | CIPSI | Italy |
55 | ACLI | Italy |
56 | Spire | Norway |
57 | Urgewald | Germany |
58 | CISL | Italy |
59 | Medici per l’Ambiente –ISDE Italia | Italy |
60 | Eurodad | European |
61 | WEED | Germany |
62 | Christian Aid UK | United Kingdom |
63 | Christian Aid Ireland | Ireland |
64 | Observatori del Deute en la Globalització | Spain |
65 | World Vision – France | France |
66 | World Vision – United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
67 | EED | Germany |
68 | Milieudefensie/ Friends of the Earth – Netherlands | Netherlands |
69 | CEE Bankwatch Network | Europe |
The official web site (no more active):