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Towards an “Arab joint force”?

Arab League countries are quickening the pace for the creation of an Arab joint force.


During their 26th Summit held in Sharm el-Sheikh in March 2015, Arab countries agreed to form a joint force in order to confront growing regional security threats (Resolution n. 628). The idea was launched by the Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sissi and mainly sponsored by Saudi Arabia.


A draft protocol has been elaborated in two high-key meetings in Egypt and Saudi Arabia, during which Chiefs of Staff of a number of countries discussed the shape, legal framework and composition of the future army. The draft was then submitted to the Arab Troika (Egypt, current chairman of the Arab Summit; Kuwait, previous chair of the summit; and Morocco, the next chair) and to other Arab states for consultation.


On next August 27, Foreign and Defense Ministers of the Arab League member countries are expected to meet in Cairo in order to eventually adopt the protocol and open the ratification process.

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