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EU-Central America association agreement signed

On 11 December 2012 the European Parliament ratified the EU-Central America associatian agreement designed to boost trade between the two blocs


by removing various tariffs and customs barriers. The agreement was concluded in May 2010 after a negotiation process that lasted for five years,

 but needed to be ratified by the European Parliament to come into force and covers Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Panama, Nicaragua and Salvador.


The European Parliament also ratified a trade agreement with Peru and Colombia, signed in June 2012,

that will progressively open up markets on both sides by means of a balanced free trade area.


Both these agreements include measures to protect human rights and the rule of law, as well as 

commitments to effectively implement international conventions on labour rights and environmental protection.


Francesca Ghersenti. International Democracy Watch. 03 January 2013. 

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