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Venezuela becomes full member of the Mercosur

Six years after applying Venezuela has become full member of the Mercosur on Tuesday 31st July 2012. The decision was taken unanimously by the founding countries of Mercosur, Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina Venezuela’s admission was made possible also by the temporary suspension of Paraguay in June. In fact, Paraguay blocked Venezuela’s inclusion for years because of concerns for about President Chavez’s democratic credentials. A statement from the Brazilian foreign ministry said that with Venezuela’s admission Mercosur positions itself as a global energy power, as the country’s oil reserves are estimated to be among the world’s largest. As Brazil pointed out, there will be a change in the strategic positioning of the bloc. Venezuela’s admission remains controversial in Venezuela, where farmers fear an influx of cheap agricultural products from Brazil and Argentina. Other associate Mercosur members include Bolivia, Chile, Colombia and Peru, but they have little influence in the main decisions and no veto power. Francesca Ghersenti. International Democracy Watch. 3 August 2012.
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