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Tommaso Visone

Association for the Euro-mediterranean and Latin-american Research, Italy


Tommaso Visone is born in Rome in 1984. He has a degree in Political Science from "Università degli studi di Roma Tre", and writes for different reviews pertaining to history of political thought and euro-mediterranean issues. He also contributes to  A.R.E.L.A. (Association  for the Euro-mediterranean and Latin american research).

Contact details:
Tommaso Visone

Associazione per la Ricerca Euro-Mediterranea e Latino-americana

c/o Luiss Guido Carli

Via Giulio Alberoni, 7 - 00198 Roma Italy

Tel.: +39 06 852265556

E-mail: tommaso.visone@gmail.com

Web: www.arela.it


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