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Chris Hamer

University of New South Wales, Australia

hamerChris Hameris is a Visiting Associate Professor in the School of Physics at the University of New South Wales. He obtained his PhD at the California Institute of Technology in 1972, and pursued a career in theoretical physics. He was formerly National Secretary of Scientists Against Nuclear Arms (SANA) in Australia, and is currently president of the World Citizens Association (Australia). He has long been interested in the problem of eliminating nuclear weapons, and in the ideal of democratic global governance as the only means to resolve this, and other pressing global problems such as climate change. He continues to teach general education courses at New South Wales on ‘Nuclear Arms and the New World Order’, and ‘International Governance in the 21st Century’.

Contact details:
Chris Hamer,
School of Physics, University of New South Wales,
Sydney NSW 2052, Australia.
Tel. +61 (0)2 9385 4590,
E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

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