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Giovanni Finizio

University of Turin; CSF, Italy


Giovanni Finizio

Giovanni Finizio is research fellow at the University of Turin, where he teaches European Union Foreign Policy and History and Politics of the United Nations. He received a MA in International Relations from the University of Padova, a Master in Human Rights and International Intervention from the University of Bologna and a Ph.D. in History of International Relations from the University of Pavia. Giovanni currently serves also as researcher at the Centre for Stdies on Federalism, Turin, and is member of the Council of the World Federalist Movement based in New York. His research interests focus on the history and politics of the United Nations, pacifism and world order, regionalism, EU foreign policy with particular reference to its role in global governance in the security field. 

Contact details:
Giovanni Finizio

University of Turin, Department of Political Studies

Via Giolitti 33, 10123 Torino Italy

Tel.: +39 (0)11 6704131
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it   

Web: www.csfederalismo.it; www.scienzeinternazionali.it

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