Call for papers
What budget, resources, fiscal and borrowing powers for the EU?
University of Florence – Polo di Scienze Sociali, Florence, 12-13 November 2015
This International Conference is organised within the Jean Monnet Network “MoreEU: More EU to overcome the crisis” - composed by the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Italy, CEU-San Pablo University in Spain, Warsaw University in Poland, Nova Universidad de Lisboa in Portugal and Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute in France - in cooperation with the University of Florence.
The Conference aims at establishing a dialogue between academics, experts, stake-holders and policy-makers. It will be opened by a session of invited speakers chosen among renowned experts.
It will be followed by one session or several parallel sessions, that will host paper-givers selected through this call for papers.
It will be concluded by a round table involving stake-holders and policy-makers. The round table will be introduces by a Network representative, who will sum up the main ideas and proposals discussed in the previous sessions of the Conference.