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International Training Programme on “Peace and Security in Africa”

The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) is organizing an International Training Programme on “Peace and Security in Africa” in order to foster the capacity of conflict management, peacemaking and peacebuilding of regional organisations in Sub-Saharan Africa.










The training programme will be held in two phases:




•Part 1: 14 May–1 June 2012
•Part 2: 1–12 October 2012




•Part 1: Uppsala, Sweden
•Part 2: Durban, South Africa



African inter-governmental or non-governmental regional organisations dealing with issues relating to peace and security in Sub-Saharan Africa, and whose work in this field has a regional relevance and impact, are invited to apply to the programme.

The deadline for applications is 31 January 2012.



For further information, please consult



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