International Seminar "Federalism in Europe and in the World"
Altiero Spinelli Institute for Federalist Studies - The 27th International Seminar Ventotene, August 29 - September 3, 2010
Federalism in Europe and in the World. Beyond the Lisbon Treaty, for a federal government and a federal constitution.
For many years, the Altiero Spinelli Institute for Federalist Studies has organized a yearly international seminar on the island of Ventotene. This island off the Italian coast, was the place where Altiero Spinelli, author of the Federalist Ventotene Manifesto, was imprisoned during the Second World War. Each year, young Federalists gather here to discuss with leading experts from the European and World Federalist Movement federalist ideas and their application to the European and global context.
Programs will include:
• The World Economic Crisis: A Federalist Proposal for a New Economic and Monetary World Order
• European Union and The Regional Unification Processes: Africa, Middle ast, South America, ASEAN
• Energy and Environmental Policies: A European Proposal for a Sustainable Economic Development
• Strategies and Actions of Federalist Organization to Achieve Local and lobal Federalism
• Working groups and discussions with speakers
For further information visit the Spinelli Institute website.