Council of Europe NGO Forum in Istanbul, Turkey
On 24-25 March 2011 in Istanbul (Turkey) the Conference of International Non-Governmental Organisations (INGO) of the Council of Europe and COJEP International have organized a Forum on New multicultural challenges: how can NGOs play their part?
The Forum provides plenary sessions and thematic workshops with the participation of around 20 Turkish NGOs, 30 international NGOs, 30 national NGOs from South-East Europe and 20 experts. The aim is to give a civil society dimension to the Council of Europe’s activities and projects in the field of intercultural dialogue, according to the NGOs’ practical experience.
A call for applications is launched in the direction of INGOs enjoying participatory status with the Council of Europe.
Plenary sessions theme
How to address the new multicultural challenges facing European societies
Workshop 1
Freedom of expression and freedom of thought, conscience and religion: the role of civil society in multicultural societies
Workshop 2
Identity and the Other: the role of intercultural education
Workshop 3
Living together: social integration of young people from immigrant backgrounds
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