UNPA event at World Social Forum 2011 in Dakar, Senegal
On 8 February 2011 The Campaign Secretariat for a UN Parliamentary Assembly (CEUNPA) and the International Leadership, Education & Development Academy (INLA) have organized a panel discussion at the World Social Forum in Dakar (Senegal) on For a World Parliament. Global Governance and Democracy at the United Nations
The purpose of the event is to make the UNPA proposal better known among global civil society and social activists.
Jo LEINEN, Member of the European Parliament, Co-Chair of the Parliamentary
Advisory Group of CEUNPA, Germany
Mamadou Ibrahima FALL, President, International Leadership, Education &
Development Academy and representative of CEUNPA, Senegal
Manuel MANONELLES, Director, UBUNTU-World Forum of Civil Society Networks,
Heike HÄNSEL, Member of the German Parliament, Chair of the Sub-Committee on
the United Nations, International Organizations and Globalization
Senator Abdou GUISSÉ, Senegal
Coura NDIAYE, Advisor at the Economic and Social Council of the Consultative
Assembly of Senegal
The discussion will be moderated by
Magatte DIOP, Secretary-General, L'Association des Juriste pour une Justice Sure,
Transparente, Indépendante et Èquitable, Senegal
For more information please consult www.unpacampaign.org
Contact for the event
Phone: +221 33 8242227
E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it