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East African Community

East African Community

by Korwa Adar United States International University, Kenya




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Table of contents


1. Introduction

2. Part one

2.1. The EAHC and the EACLA: governance structures and legislative powers
2.2. EACSO governance structures, operational and structural powers
3. Part two
3.1. Towards broadening the scope of regional integration and democratization: from EAC I to EAC II 
3.2. The 1967 EAC: governance structures
3.3. Assessment on impact on democratization

4. Part three

4.1. The 1999 EAC: recent history and evolutionary process
4.2. The operational structure and functions of the 1999 EAC Treaty: impact on regional democracy enlargement
4.3. The 1999 EAC Treaty: appointment and governance structures of the organization
4.3.2. The Counci
4.3.3. The Coordination Committee
4.3.4. The Sectoral Committees
4.3.5. The East African Court of Justice
4.3.6. The East African Legislative Assembly
4.3.7. The Secretariat
4.4. Decision-making within EAC

5. Assessment: democracy at EAC and national levels

5.1. Input legitimacy: EAC and gender
5.2. Input legitimacy: civil society and participation in the EAC
5.3. Control
5.4. Inter-state democracy
5.5. Supranationalism
5.6. Human rights practice in the EAC
5.7. Output legitimacy

6. Multilateral process

6.1. Tripartite COMESA-EAC-SADC Process
6.2. The Nile Basin Initiative and Lake Victoria Commission

7. Summary and conclusions



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