
The International Democracy Report

A report on the state of the art of international democracy in the world will be published biennially. The first report “The Democratization of International Intitutions  - First International Democracy Report 2013” will be ready in September 2013  and will be an instant view of the world situation updated on June. 30, 2012.

The report’s scientific character will be guaranteed by the direct involvement, the advice and the support of University professors and scholars in international democracy, international organizations and regional integration. The report will be published in English by Routledge. If possible, readers will be enabled either to download it in a digital version on this website (some chapters), or to browse the abstracts of its chapters. 

The Report will be presented through a meeting organized by the Centre for Studies on Federalism, and in other international contexts, whenever an occasion will occur (e.g. in occasion of international academic conferences and world meetings of civil society such as regional and world social fora and other meetings with specific interest). 

The Report will dedicate a chapter to every monitored international organization, written by one or more IDW researchers; a special section will present the main campaigns for IGOs' democratization. In addition, through the International Democracy Index every International Organization will be rated and ranked.

International Democracy Watch - Report 2013

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